Thursday, November 14, 2013

Curse Money

We are staying at a lodge in "Indian Town". Generally, these are large homes in walled compounds. Its comparatively a nice area (though I could do without the recorded Imam calling to prayer at 4:00 AM). The Indians are part of the merchant and hence wealthy class here. The few stores I went into were operated by Indians. Apparently the joke here is "we own the land, they own the money". Even saw a young Indian driving an Aston Martin Vantage -- serious car for an area where most cars are rejects from Japan (even saw a Datsun!).
The area has a few beggars sitting at the side of the street, including these 2 blind men. I haven't seen them for a few days, but normally they are there -- on the east side in the shade in the morning and they move to the shade on the west side the afternoon. Shade, is a hot commodity in this country (including when we went hiking -- Ingrid was living under an illusion -- see picture, but it seemed to work for her. Honest, she hiked the whole trail with this silly branch!).
We asked why they were here -- seemed like they hadn't done their marketing. Why weren't they on a main street? Well, turns out they had done their marketing. Though the most coveted begging spot is outside the Indian cemetery.
Turns out the Indians have tradition of praying the sickness out of a loved one into some money. They wish the sickness out of their loved one and wish it to take root in the person who receives the money. Same for a broken car, or a burnt house, or a failed business.
They then have to get rid of this money. Kind of have to be careful you don't give it to your friend, or they will get cancer, their house will burn or their business fail. So you give it to the local beggars -- I mean who cares if they get curesed.
The beggars seem to be OK with this arrangement, but the repulsion of this whole tradition hasn't left me.

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