I was relieved to find that Yellow Fever, a common African disease, is not an issue in Africa. However Malawi has the "usual" list of ailments to prepare for:
- Malaria - high occurrence, spread by mosquitoes
- Hep A & B virus - contracted through contact with an infected person or food handled by an infected person
- HIV/AIDS - estimated 20+% of population have HIV/AIDS, since the disease goes widely unreported, some agencies estimate a much higher percentage
- Dysentery & heat/sun stroke are also common for Mzungus (i.e. white people not used to the climate)
- Tuberculosis - in smaller percentages, transmitted though cough, sneezes, direct contact with an infected person
- Child Malnutrition - though we are not likely to contract this health problem, it may be more difficult to deal with as we encounter it, than the above listed, infectious diseases
Fortunately, there are many simple ways to protect oneself against most of these ailments, so we have our malaria meds (I prefer the homeopathic ones), mosquito nets (apparently we have to bring our own as they are not "installed" in the places where we will be sleeping).
Also on hand are immunity builders and lots of anti-bacterial hand wash.
Our fundraising is rather low-key. Neither Richard nor I have much time to devote to it, we seem to trusting that the costs will be covered. We have distributed letters informing relatively few people of the mission and we are grateful to report that at this point we have a raised a bit over 1K. A heartfelt thanks to all who contributed thus far.
So, this is the budget today:
Financial Needs (in
US dollars)
1,500 Cost of
travel for 30 pastors to the city of Blantyre
(about $50/person)
1,000 Food for
all those in training (we are cooking it, this is the cost of purchase
500 Rental cost of the training/lodging facility
for everyone for 5 days
500 Various supplies – notebooks, pens and
shelving for the new Pastors’ Library,
which is an answered prayer for them
which is an answered prayer for them
500 Funds to locally purchase clothes and shoes
for children (many come naked to the church asking for clothes), fabric
for women who want to start a sewing business, dress shirts for pastors etc.
$4,000 TOTAL
- $1,000 raised so far
$3,000 to go
To contribute
financially please write a tax-deductible cheque to The Dwelling Place with Malawi in the comment line. Cheques can be
mailed or dropped off at
The Dwelling Place
546 Belmont Ave West,
Kitchener , ON , N2M 5E3
Prayer Need:
- that our health would stay intact during our time in Malawi so that we could carry out the work
- that we would not contract anything serious
- that God would move in the hearts of those who are able to help to cover the costs
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